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mplabs Multiphase lattice boltzmann suite
mppdec Musepack (MPC) audio file decoder
mppp Multiprecision for modern C++
mpq-tools Tools for manipulating MPQ (MoPaQ) archives
mps-youtube Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
mpv-git Video player based on MPlayer and mplayer2 (git version)
mrust Meta package for mrustc (builds other mrust- packages)
mrust-cargo Cargo--built from rustc src, using mrustc toolchain
mrust-libs Rustc libraries & crates built using mrustc toolchain
mrust-llvm Special(?) LLVM build from rustc src
mrust-minicargo Cargo workalike from the mrustc tool suite
mrust-mrustc Mutabah's Rust Compiler--the compiler itself
mrust-rustc Rustc--built from rustc src, using mrustc toolchain
mrust-rustclibs Rustc libraries & crates compiled using mrust-rustc
msgpack-git Binary-based efficient object serialization library
mst-bench Maximum sustainable throughput benchmark
msworkbench Set of tools for development of MapServer web mapping applications
mtail Extract monitoring data for collection in a timeseries database
mtd-utils Memory Technology Device Tools
mtdev Kernel multitouch event translation
mtf Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup
mtop Curses-based MySQL server monitor
mtpfs Access to MTP device filesystem
mtr-graph MTR v0.85 fork with whois info, IDN, unicode
mtrack Satellite tracking program for amateurs
mtrxmath Small tool for matrix mathematics
mu-cite Mail (MUA) companion to cite other's mail
mudlet-301 Mudlet is a powerful GUI MUD client with Lua scripting
mule11 Classical Mule (MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU Emacs), based on 18.59
multi-gitter CLI to update multiple repositories in bulk
multitail View one or multiple files
mummer4 Versatile alignment tool for DNA and protein sequences
munge Authentication service for creating and validating credentials
munin-common Common components between a munin node and master
munin-node System monitoring tool, client version
mupen64plus Cross-platform plugin-based N64 emulator
mupen64plus-extraplugins Additional Mupen64Plus plugins
muscle MUltiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation
muscle-cflexplugin CryptoFlex plugin for the MUSCLE framework
muscle-mcardplugin MuscleCard applet plugin for the MUSCLE framework
muscle-pam PAM plugin for MUSCLE SmartCard framework
muscle-pkcs11 MUSCLE SmartCard framework PKCS #11 library
muscletool Personalization tool for MuscleCard enabled smartcards
musl C standard library
musl-fts Implementation of fts(3) for musl libc
mutter GNOME window manager
muttprint Utility to pretty print email
muttvcquery External contact manager for mutt
mvsis Logic synthesis and verification tool
mxallowd Anti-Spam-Daemon using pf/pflog
mxml4 Small XML parsing library
myfitter Maximum Likelihood Fits in C++
mysql-docs Latest documentation for MySQL database server
mysql-proxy Monitor, analyze, or transform the communication of MySQL
mysql++ Complex C++ API for MySQL
mysqltcl Tcl Mysql Interface
n2n Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN
naev12 2D space trading and combat game
nag Horde task list manager
nagios-plugin-mysql_health Nagios plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database
nagstamon Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop
namecoin Implementation of Namecoin on top of the Bitcoin Core codebase
nanocomp Compare runs of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
nanofilt Filtering and trimming of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
nanoget Extract information from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
nanolyse Removing reads mapping to the lambda genome
nanomath Math functions for other Oxford Nanopore processing scripts
nanopack Long read processing and analysis scripts
nanoplot Plotting suite for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
nanoQC Create fastQC-like plots for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
nanostat Statistics for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
nanosvg Simple stupid single-header-file SVG parser
naqsh-ttf Arabic font by Lateef Shaikh
nary Npm in Rust
natali AT&T/Apple AppleTalk Library Interface for Netatalk
naturaldocs Open-source, extensible, multi-language documentation generator
nauty Brendan McKay's graph isomorphism tester
navi2ch-current 2ch BBS browser for Emacs (Git Current)
navidrome Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
navit GPS car navigation system
navit-git GPS car navigation system
nbfc Nbfc - the new brainfuck compiler
nblood Reverse-engineered Blood
ncbi Portable, modular software for molecular biology
ncbi-bin Portable modular software for molecular biology
ncbi-blast+ NCBI implementation of Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
ncbi-c++-lib Libraries needed by apps dependent on NCBI C++ toolkit
ncbi-lib Portable, modular software for molecular biology
ncnn Neural network inference computing framework
ncp Fast file copy tool for LANs
ncrack High-speed network authentication cracking tool
ndssdk Nintendo DS ARM9 C and Objective-C Compiler, tools and libraries
neateqn Neatroff preprocessor for mathematical equations
neatmkfn Neatroff font description generator
neatpost Neatroff PS/PDF postprocessor
neatrefer Neatroff preprocessor for bibliographic references
neatroff Clone of the Troff typesetting system
neatroff-awesome6 Neatroff font descriptions for the awesome6 fonts
neatroff-ubuntu Neatroff font descriptions for the ubuntu fonts
neb-cd512 512 bytes/sector disklabel recalculation tool
mk Subfolder