mplabs | | Multiphase lattice boltzmann suite |
mppdec | | Musepack (MPC) audio file decoder |
mppp | | Multiprecision for modern C++ |
mpq-tools | | Tools for manipulating MPQ (MoPaQ) archives |
mps-youtube | | Terminal based YouTube player and downloader |
mpv-git | | Video player based on MPlayer and mplayer2 (git version) |
mrust | | Meta package for mrustc (builds other mrust- packages) |
mrust-cargo | | Cargo--built from rustc src, using mrustc toolchain |
mrust-libs | | Rustc libraries & crates built using mrustc toolchain |
mrust-llvm | | Special(?) LLVM build from rustc src |
mrust-minicargo | | Cargo workalike from the mrustc tool suite |
mrust-mrustc | | Mutabah's Rust Compiler--the compiler itself |
mrust-rustc | | Rustc--built from rustc src, using mrustc toolchain |
mrust-rustclibs | | Rustc libraries & crates compiled using mrust-rustc |
msgpack-git | | Binary-based efficient object serialization library |
mst-bench | | Maximum sustainable throughput benchmark |
msworkbench | | Set of tools for development of MapServer web mapping applications |
mtail | | Extract monitoring data for collection in a timeseries database |
mtd-utils | | Memory Technology Device Tools |
mtdev | | Kernel multitouch event translation |
mtf | | Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup |
mtop | | Curses-based MySQL server monitor |
mtpfs | | Access to MTP device filesystem |
mtr-graph | | MTR v0.85 fork with whois info, IDN, unicode |
mtrack | | Satellite tracking program for amateurs |
mtrxmath | | Small tool for matrix mathematics |
mu-cite | | Mail (MUA) companion to cite other's mail |
mudlet-301 | | Mudlet is a powerful GUI MUD client with Lua scripting |
mule11 | | Classical Mule (MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU Emacs), based on 18.59 |
multi-gitter | | CLI to update multiple repositories in bulk |
multitail | | View one or multiple files |
mummer4 | | Versatile alignment tool for DNA and protein sequences |
munge | | Authentication service for creating and validating credentials |
munin-common | | Common components between a munin node and master |
munin-node | | System monitoring tool, client version |
mupen64plus | | Cross-platform plugin-based N64 emulator |
mupen64plus-extraplugins | | Additional Mupen64Plus plugins |
muscle | | MUltiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation |
muscle-cflexplugin | | CryptoFlex plugin for the MUSCLE framework |
muscle-mcardplugin | | MuscleCard applet plugin for the MUSCLE framework |
muscle-pam | | PAM plugin for MUSCLE SmartCard framework |
muscle-pkcs11 | | MUSCLE SmartCard framework PKCS #11 library |
muscletool | | Personalization tool for MuscleCard enabled smartcards |
musl | | C standard library |
musl-fts | | Implementation of fts(3) for musl libc |
mutter | | GNOME window manager |
muttprint | | Utility to pretty print email |
muttvcquery | | External contact manager for mutt |
mvsis | | Logic synthesis and verification tool |
mxallowd | | Anti-Spam-Daemon using pf/pflog |
mxml4 | | Small XML parsing library |
myfitter | | Maximum Likelihood Fits in C++ |
mysql-docs | | Latest documentation for MySQL database server |
mysql-proxy | | Monitor, analyze, or transform the communication of MySQL |
mysql++ | | Complex C++ API for MySQL |
mysqltcl | | Tcl Mysql Interface |
n2n | | Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN |
naev12 | | 2D space trading and combat game |
nag | | Horde task list manager |
nagios-plugin-mysql_health | | Nagios plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database |
nagstamon | | Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop |
namecoin | | Implementation of Namecoin on top of the Bitcoin Core codebase |
nanocomp | | Compare runs of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
nanofilt | | Filtering and trimming of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
nanoget | | Extract information from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
nanolyse | | Removing reads mapping to the lambda genome |
nanomath | | Math functions for other Oxford Nanopore processing scripts |
nanopack | | Long read processing and analysis scripts |
nanoplot | | Plotting suite for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
nanoQC | | Create fastQC-like plots for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
nanostat | | Statistics for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
nanosvg | | Simple stupid single-header-file SVG parser |
naqsh-ttf | | Arabic font by Lateef Shaikh |
nary | | Npm in Rust |
natali | | AT&T/Apple AppleTalk Library Interface for Netatalk |
naturaldocs | | Open-source, extensible, multi-language documentation generator |
nauty | | Brendan McKay's graph isomorphism tester |
navi2ch-current | | 2ch BBS browser for Emacs (Git Current) |
navidrome | | Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic |
navit | | GPS car navigation system |
navit-git | | GPS car navigation system |
nbfc | | Nbfc - the new brainfuck compiler |
nblood | | Reverse-engineered Blood |
ncbi | | Portable, modular software for molecular biology |
ncbi-bin | | Portable modular software for molecular biology |
ncbi-blast+ | | NCBI implementation of Basic Local Alignment Search Tool |
ncbi-c++-lib | | Libraries needed by apps dependent on NCBI C++ toolkit |
ncbi-lib | | Portable, modular software for molecular biology |
ncnn | | Neural network inference computing framework |
ncp | | Fast file copy tool for LANs |
ncrack | | High-speed network authentication cracking tool |
ndssdk | | Nintendo DS ARM9 C and Objective-C Compiler, tools and libraries |
neateqn | | Neatroff preprocessor for mathematical equations |
neatmkfn | | Neatroff font description generator |
neatpost | | Neatroff PS/PDF postprocessor |
neatrefer | | Neatroff preprocessor for bibliographic references |
neatroff | | Clone of the Troff typesetting system |
neatroff-awesome6 | | Neatroff font descriptions for the awesome6 fonts |
neatroff-ubuntu | | Neatroff font descriptions for the ubuntu fonts |
neb-cd512 | | 512 bytes/sector disklabel recalculation tool |
mk | | Subfolder |